

To run the unit tests:

$ python -m unittest gitutils/tests/

To run the functional tests:

$ python -m unittest gitutils/tests/

To test new functionalities:

$ python -m gitutils.gitutils <new_cmd>

Installation for distribution

The package has to be installed as root on

# Sourcing the python
$ source /opt/gfa/python
# Installing the gitutils package
$ conda install -c paulscherrerinstitute gitutils

As this will change the global Python distribution, make sure that only the gitutils package gets updated.

Building the conda package automatically

After every new release, github actions will automatically build the new package and upload to the anaconda channel being ready to install, as explained above.

Building the conda package manually

First, login into `gfa-lc6-64`, source the right anaconda environment by executing the command:

$ source /opt/gfa/python

After that, clone into the repository or pull the latest changes (if you’ve already cloned it before). The package can be build using:

$ conda build conda-recipe


Remember to increase the package version before the build (inside and conda-recipe/meta.yaml)

After building, the package should be uploaded to via the command displayed at the end of the build process, as in:

$ anaconda -t <PERSONAL_CONDA_TOKEN> upload /afs/<PATH_TO_USER>/conda-bld/linux-64/<PACKAGE_NAME>


If you need to build for different python versions, use the command (where X.X is the specific needed version of python):

$ conda build conda-recipe --python=X.X

Contribute and create a merge request

Alternatively, you can fork gitutils:

$ gitutils fork controls_highlevel_applications/gitutils

Develop new feature(s) on your personal fork, and submit a merge request:

# From the home directory of your fork
$ gitutils merge -t <new_feature_merge_title> -d <description_of_new_feature>

If the merge request is approved, it will be integrated and the conda package will be updated.