Welcome to Gitutils documentation

Gitutils is a tool to facilitate the server-side operations when developing software that uses git repositories.

Gitutils functionalities:

  • addldap Add a ldap group user to a group.
  • clonegroup Clones all existing projects within a group.
  • creategroups Create a new group (or multiple).
  • createprojects Create a new project (or multiple) inside the specified group.
  • find General search inside all the groups/projects.
  • fork Creates a fork from the repository. Doing a fork is strongly recommended to freely experiment your changes and/or development in a safe working space without affecting the original project.
  • login Fetches the gitlab token (saved in ~/.gitutils_token).
  • merge Creates a request to merge the defined fork to the original repository.
  • setrole Sets the role for a specific user on a specific group or project (or multiple)

It is developed using python on an open-source project (github repository), distributed using anaconda via the Paul Scherrer Institute channel (anaconda channel) and documented here using readthedocs. Gitutils authenticates on the git server using the OAuth2 protocol. If the token is non-existent or not valid, gitutils will request username and password and store the token in a file located on the user’s home directory called .gitutils_token. The user will not be requested for username nor password until the saved token is not valid anymore.
